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  • Writer's pictureInês Ramos

AVA Architecture + Visual Arts Degree Show

This is my final show as I am graduating now. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years since I started my bachelor’s degree. I feel so lucky to have met incredible students and staff that have helped me grow not just with Architecture but with growing as an individual.

I was part of the Unit H where our projects were based in Ireland. Throughout the year I have done research not just on materials, but the client and the vernacular architecture in Galway.

1 - I am standing next to my sketches and other students sketches

2. The poster of the event

3. Technical Studies display where my seaweed research and 2 3D digital Drawing Axonometric

4 - 8. The full display of the different sketches and images from Ireland

9 - 10. Two of the most important people in my life, who have supported and helped me finish my degree… Thank you for everything I love you guys❤️

11 - 12. Unit’s book pages where my work is displayed and where I explain what my project is about

13 - 14. My favourite model pictures of the project

Thank you University of East London for everything! I cannot wait to see what the future holds!


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